Find a Therapist

Find a Therapist

Find therapists in your area who are trained in Upledger and Barral Institute manual therapies, including, but not limited, to CranioSacral Therapy, SomatoEmotional Release, Visceral Manipulation, Neural Manipulation, Manual Therapy Approach to the Brain, and many more.

NOTE: We are unable to give personal referrals - by phone or email - not only for liability reasons, but also because we don't personally know all the practitioners. Please review their information posted on, and then call candidates you find to inquire how they might help your personal situation. Most therapists will let you know if they feel they can help, or will offer an alternate suggestion.

If you are an alumnus and either are not listed or feel that your records are incomplete, please send an email to with complete details. If you are asking for trainings from a current foreign affiliate to be added, please attach a certificate of attendance to verify.

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