Since 1990.

Over twenty years ago I discovered the elegance and effectiveness of CranioSacral Therapy and other gentle bodywork modalities. My first clients were pre and post mastectomy clients. Many hours were shared as we worked to soften and release areas congested with scar tissue, other injuries and the emotional traumas that come with such events. I laughed and cried with many brave women. They taught me courage and that nothing is impossible. I also learned that scar tissue, no matter how thick or old, can become malleable.

In the ten years I was in private practice in Downtown Chicago many folks found their way to my door, from the elderly to the newborn and everyone between. So much healing with so many wonderful people. Clients began to ask if I would work with their pets as well. Over and over, I saw how gentle touch therapies can restore health. Dr. John E. Upledger, the creator of CranioSacral Therapy, began to refer clients to me.

Eventually, Dr. John Upledger asked me to move from Chicago and join his staff at the Upledger Institute in Palm Beach Gardens, Fl. During the following decade it was my honor to be a part of his hand-picked team in his beloved Intensive Programs and the Upledger Institute Clinic. Clients came from around the world. We treated a wide spectrum of health challenges from rare disorders, traumatic injuries (including brain and spinal cord injuries), the stress related disorders including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, pain and, yes, the healthy individuals who valued their health enough to receive regular "tune-ups". It was an extraordinary time.

Now in private practice I look forward to sharing with you the gifts, lessons and expertise shared so generously by my mentors and the individuals who have come before you. It is my honor and delight to be of service to you. Welcome.

In Health,

Nancy Westphal LMT, CST-D

License Number

5888 Golden Eagle Circle
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida

tel. 561 630-3001 (day)

My skills

It has been my great pleasure and privilege to have received and continue to receive training with some of the finest instructors of Health and Wellness in America today. Here are just a few:

John E. Upledger, DO, OMM. Dr. Upledger pioneered CranioSacral Therapy and is one of the great "body mechanics” of our time and a true Doctor in the best meaning of the word. "Dr John" taught how to help the body fine tune itself. An Osteopathic Surgeon, he taught how to palpate and treat bones that were stuck, twisted or otherwise inhibited. He also taught that movement is health and by encouraging greater function of the fluid systems health can be restored. A fall from a bike onto your "seat", for example, can induce tension in your jaw creating headaches. The body works as a whole. Injure one area and it impacts the entire body. Conversely, improve an area with a gentle modality such as CranioSacral Therapy and the entire body benefits. The list of health challenges that have benefited from CranioSacral Therapy seems endless. I am especially grateful to "Dr. John" not only for his generosity in education but for his humor, compassion and friendship.

Bruno Chickly, MD, DO. He developed a style of Lymph Drainage that not only maps but assists in rerouting lymph away from pathways that are no longer functional. (The more toxins that are able to move out of the body the better your immune system functions. The easier your immune system can "take out the trash" the less clogged your body is. Less pollution equals greater health.) Terrific for relief from allergies, pain, scar tissue (especially pre and post surgical scarring), anti-aging, detoxification, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, cellulite and deep relaxation to aid in the reduction of insomnia, stress, improved vitality and even memory loss. Plus it feels great to recieve!

Fritz Smith, MD . Fritz is the creator of Zero Balancing, a highly effective way of working with the energy in the bones (think of how important a sturdy frame is to a house). By attending to the most dense tissue in the body as well as the soft tissue and energy components, "ZB" helps clear blocks in the bodies, improves energy flow, amplifies vitality and contributes to better postural alignment. It can relieve pain and provide lasting relief from emotional distress. Zero Balancing can be instrumental in the relief of back pain, improving concentration or sleep, releasing unwanted stress, eliminating old behavioral patterns and boosting well-being, thus improving ones quality of life.

Rebecca Flowers, OT, BCP, CST-D. A colleague whose teachings on Sensory Integration for the Massage Therapist and her expertise in working with sensory challenged children changed the way I work with every client I have.

Over twenty years, thousands of hours of education, experience and growth, blending together to offer the best therapy possible to clients like yourself.

Articles & Books Written

Massage Today March, 2009, Vol. 09, Issue 03

CranioSacral Therapy for a Multitude of Health Problems

By Nancy Westphal, LMT, CST-D; guest author for John Upledger, DO, OMM