Michele Pocknee

Dip RM, Dip Clinical Aromatherapy

About Me

I have a special interest in preventative health and general wellbeing.

Given the choice, we all want to live a joyful, fulfilling, purposeful life, and having a healthy body that will take us there should be in everyone's bucket list!

What is CranioSacral Therapy?

CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on approach that releases tensions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole-body health and performance. It was pioneered and developed by Osteopathic Physician John E. Upledger after years of clinical testing and research at Michigan State University where he served as professor of biomechanics.

Using a soft touch which is generally no greater than 5 grams - about the weight of a 10c coin - practitioners release restrictions in the soft tissues that surround the central nervous system. CST is increasingly used as a preventive health measure for its ability to bolster resistance to disease, and it's effective for a wide range of medical problems associated with pain and dysfunction.

FAQ About CranioSacral Therapy

What is Bioelectric Meridian Therapy?

Bioelectric Meridian Therapy (BMT) is the next generation in preventative health, using the body’s natural bioelectricity to improve general wellbeing, organ health and promote functional movement. Combining traditional Chinese medicine beliefs with the latest in western technology, BMT combines the best of both worlds. By opening and clearing the body’s main meridian lines it creates a detoxing effect which can prevent disharmony and imbalances in the body that can lead to disease and illness.

BMT uses a DDS Bioelectric device (Australia's only TGA certified) that generates a small electrical signal which is transferred to the client’s body through the therapist’s hands. The practitioner’s touch together with the bioelectric energy, and a high alkaline BMT cream, helps to unblock the body’s main meridian pathways–supercharging the body’s natural healing process.

Using the body’s natural bioelectricity stimulates nerves and cells and increases Qi flow (energy).This can lead to improved blood circulation and immune system. This process also helps to regulate and alkalise the body’s natural pH level. The therapy can decrease muscle pain, reduce fatigue, improve gut function, help with sleep, and maintain good health.

FAQ About BMT@Home

What is Manual Lymphatic Drainage?

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) was developed in France in 1932 by Dr. Vodder.  It is a technique  that uses only a 50c hand pressure and unique deliberate movements to stimulate the lymphatic flow and aid in drainage of tissues. The drainage is not a muscular massage but a harmonious and painless massage of the connective tissue which has in-depth effect on the tissues, acting as a natural cleansing system. Recommended for people with lymphedema, fluid retention, reduced mobility, to boost the immunity system, gut health or following surgery. No oils are used in this treatment and it is recommended you drink extra water after the treatment to help flush the body.

What is Aromatherapy Massage?

Aromatherapy Massage is a holistic treatment, developed by Micheline Arcier, it releases tension, re-balances energy and revitalizes body, mind and spirit.

Essential oils are diluted to a safe ratio and combined with a carrier oil for deep stress relief, improved circulation of blood and lymph, helping to ease tension, swelling, tightness and de-congesting muscles.  It includes a combination of healing natural therapies such as stimulating acupressure points, based on Traditional Chinese Medicine's concept of meridians; lymphatic drainage techniques to remove toxins and stimulate the immune system; reflexology of the feet, where various points correspond to particular organs and parts of the body; and polarity therapy to re-balance your body.

Professional Associations / Memberships

International Association of Healthcare Practitioners - IAHP

Australian Natural Therapists Association - ANTA

Michele  Pocknee Dip RM, Dip Clinical Aromatherapy

My Skills

Diploma of Remedial Massage
Diploma of Clinical Aromatherapy


  • CranioSacral Therapy 1 & 2 - Upledger Institute
  • Somato Emotional Release 1 - Upledger Institute
  • Bioelectric Meridian Therapy 1
  • Bioelectric Level 2 Upper & Lower Extremity
  • Bioelectric Level 2 Gut and Brain Health
  • Bioelectric Meridian Therapy for Pelvic Health
  • Manual Lymphatic Drainage
  • Aromatherapy Massage
  • Reflexology 1
  • Reiki III in the Usui System of Natural Healing
  • Shamanic Reiki
  • Hypno-psychotherapy at Foundation Level
  • Preventing Dementia MOOC - Wicking, Univ. of Tasmania
  • Understanding Dementia MOOC - Wicking, Univ. of Tasmania

Spoken Languages:

English and Spanish

Other Interests:
The connection between man and nature - Photography in Nature

Fig Tree Pocket
Brisbane, QLD 4069

tel. +61 434 902 611 (day)


Hours of operation / Fees

Fig Tree Pocket Clinic Online Booking

Monday - Thursday

More Clinic Locations Online Booking

Monday - Saturday

Or to arrange another time please sms or call me directly on:

☎ 04 3490 2611

Driving directions

Please follow Google Maps directions to FTP Clinic Location:

Fig Tree Pocket

Available for patients

Case studies, easy to understand explanations about the CranioSacral System, Visceral Manipulation, products to use between sessions, and much more.

More information