Kirstie is an osteopath based in London. She initially trained in sports and remedial massage and myofascial techniques, before furthering her studies at the British School of Osteopathy in London.
She was introduced to the concept of Visceral Manipulation as an undergraduate and was fascinated by the connections and relationships between the internal structures of the body and the neuromusculoskeletal system. In 2006 she started to take regular classes with Jean Pierre Barral and then the Barral Institute, covering Visceral, Neural and Vascular Manipulation and the Manual Articular approach and Jean Pierre’s work has become integral to her clinical practice as an osteopath. She continues to study whenever she can get to a class. She has assists regularly across the curriculum and is excited to share Visceral Manipulation with a wider audience as a teacher.
She practices in both central London and Leytonstone.
Leytonstone Osteopathy
6 Gainsborough Road
London, England E11 1HT
United Kingdom
tel. +44 20 8281 0031 (day)
Available for patients:
Case studies, easy to understand explanations about the CranioSacral System, Visceral Manipulation, products to use between sessions, and much more. More information