About Me
Claudia earned her degree in Physical Therapy in 1986 from the Federal University of Minas Gerais State, in Brazil.
She specializes in Pediatrics, is trained in Myofascial Release, Neuro-Developmental Treatment, Early Intervention, infant massage, massage for special needs population, adaptive equipment assessment and fabrication and is also a Clinical Instructor.
In 1996 she added CranioSacral Therapy as a treatment modality and continues to use it in her practice. She is certified in CranioSacral Therapy on Techniques and Diplomate levels and is also a certified presenter for the Upledger Institute for the ShareCare, Overview of CranioSacral Therapy and Introduction of CranioSacral Therapy workshops. She is a Certified Instructor for CranioSacral Therapy 1, CranioSacral Therapy for Pediatrics 1 and 2 and Clinical Applications of CST and SER for Pediatrics workshops and currently teaches within the USA and internationally and does various speaking engagements for the Upledger Institute.
Claudia is a CIMBE (Certified Infant Massage and Bonding Educator) and a Certified BART (Bonding and Relaxation Techniques) instructor. She teaches Infant Massage workshops for parents and caregivers of typical babies, as well as BART workshops for the special needs population caregivers.
Her Private Practice is in Orlando, FL, where she sees children, adolescents and adults and offers services in English, Spanish and Portuguese. For more information, please log on to: www.allphysiotherapy.vpweb.com
My Skills
Pediatric Physical Therapist
Clinical Instructor
Neuro-Developmental Treatment certified
Diplomate and techniques certified CranioSacral therapist
Certified Infant Massage and Bonding Educator
Certified Bonding and Relaxation Techniques Instructor
Certified presenter for Upledger Institute ShareCare, Overview and Introduction classes
Certified Instructor for the Upledger Institute CS1, CSP1, CSP2, CACP, CATP and CTCP workshops
Articles & Books Written
Craniosacral Therapy Applications for Infants and Children (Massage Message Magazine- May/June 2019)
Professional Associations / Memberships
Medallion Member, International Association for Healthcare Practitioners
Available for patients
Case studies, easy to understand explanations about the CranioSacral System, Visceral Manipulation, products to use between sessions, and much more.