Tim Hutton
About Me
I am a Licensed Massage Practitioner in the state of Washington and have been in private practice in Bellingham, WA, doing CranioSacral Therapy, since 1994. In addition, I am certified in CranioSacral Therapy at the Diplomate level (CST-D) and teach a variety of courses in CranioSacral Therapy for the Upledger Institute.
Originally, however, my background is in science. I have a Ph.D. in Physics from Rice University and worked as a research physicist at MIT. I first encountered CranioSacral Therapy when dealing with some health challenges of my own. It was so effective and intrigued me so much, that I wanted to learn more about it, and this started me on the path to where I am today.
My office is in the F Street Clinic in Bellingham, WA.
My office phone number is 360-305-1028
, and my website is TimHuttonCST.com
Professional Associations / Memberships
International Association of Healthcare Practitioners