Denise Gagne Williamson


Have you been feeling stuck in your body? Perhaps you’ve suffered a recent injury, or surgery, or are dealing with long-term issues that just won’t seem to go away. Let me assist you in moving past these restrictions, on whatever level they occur, so that you can move forward on your healing journey. I have been practicing CranioSacral Therapy for over 7 years and continue to learn more about this amazing body-based technique with every person I work with. It holds the potential for so much healing, directed in full by your own Inner Physician. I have seen many incredible results, both in my own recuperation from injury and in my clients. I have also been exploring how CranioSacral therapy helps children experiencing difficulties learning, and have seen amazing improvements with this.  Some of the specialized training I have taken are CST for Pediactrics, CST for conception, pregnancy and childbirth and CST for tongue-tie in adults and children. Some conditions that Cranial Sacral Therapy can help are: -pain and restriction anywhere in the body, -headache; especially migraines, -insomnia, -recovery from trauma, -as an adjunct therapy to more traditional counselling for psychological challenges, such as depression or anxiety. I completed my Registered Massage Therapy program at Mount Royal University in Calgary, and am pleased to offer insurance reimbursement to clients. I have successfully completed the examination process for my Cranial Sacral Therapy certification, (December 2018) I would be honoured to support you in your healing journey.

My Skills

Certified Cranial Sacral Therapist, Registered Massage Therapist

License Number


Professional Associations / Memberships


Hours of operation / Fees

By appointment only.

Driving directions

Right across from the water tower in Airdrie, Alberta

Available for patients

Case studies, easy to understand explanations about the CranioSacral System, Visceral Manipulation, products to use between sessions, and much more.

More Information

Upledger's International Association of Healthcare Practitioners

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